Number Plate Meaning BD | Bangladeshi all Vehicle number plate meaning


Number plate meaning Bd | Bangladeshi all car number plate meaning 

What is the meaning of the Bangla letters on the number plate of ...
What is the meaning of the Bangla letters on the number plate of ...

Do you know the meaning of car number plate and plate alphabet?

If you own a car, you must have noticed that you have a number plate on the back of your car or you have a number plate on the front. But many of us may not know the meaning of this number plate?

Many of us do not know what the numbers on this number plate mean by these codes. Although we only know that it is only the number of the car, but if you do not know, then you will know today through the post, in fact, these numbers carry different meanings. I will tell you the details of this post.

Check vehicle number plate bd

Today I will show you the meaning of each digit of the car numbers through this post. Suppose to get a car number of Rajshahi Metro, from this we can easily understand that it is a car of Rajshahi city, and it is a car under the jurisdiction of Rajshahi Metropolitan which we can easily understand by looking at Rajshahi Metro. 

But let's say Rajshahi Metro is like this when a number i.e. letter is added then a lot of confusion is created among us. Many of us do not know the meaning of this, so there is such a dilemma between us or we do not understand the meaning of it. What does it mean? And we never think about these letters or these numbers, what do they really mean?

Name of the owner with car number is Bangladesh

Before we know what the letters mean, we need to know another thing, and that is who usually gives these number plates? 

When you buy a car, you have to deposit a certain amount of money to the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority, which we know as BRTA, for the number plate of that car. BRTA then determines which category your vehicle falls under and assigns you a number.

Get Vehicle details by number plate or registration number

Dhaka Metro Number Plate Check In the middle part of the format shown in the above image, such Bengali alphabets are given to indicate the category of the vehicle. And these alphabets are given according to the vehicle category which depends entirely on BRTA. In fact, depending on the category your car falls into, they associate that alphabet with your number plate.

BRTA has 19 categories as per our knowledge out of which one is specifically created for Prime Minister's Office. And the remaining 18 categories are used for public services.

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For your convenience, we are trying to give some more information about BRTA authorized vehicles below. Hope if you know about these information, there will be no more confusion about all types of number plates. Hope this post will clear it up. The rule of use of number plates on all vehicles authorized by BRTA came into effect in 1973. What does this number plate actually mean? Numberplates carry many interesting facts, which many of us don't realize.

The number plate format of vehicles in Bangladesh

is: city name-vehicle category order and vehicle number. For example: Dhaka Metro Y-112599. Take a closer look here by Dhaka Metro means the vehicle in Dhaka Metropolitan area. What I have said above, just look at the number and understand it, just keep the above point in mind.

We know that generally Bengali alphabets are A, E, U, A, A, B, C, D, E, F, C, J, J, T, TH, D, D, T, T, D, D, D, N, P, The letters f, b, b, m, j, r, l, sh, sa, h are used. Each of these letters carries a different vehicle identity. So let us now know a little more about what is meant by these:

Find out what the car number plate means

A – The letter A is generally used for 800 cc private cars.

B – B letters are used for 1000-1300 cc private cars.

C – C letters are used for 1500-1800 cc private cars.

D – The letter D is used for Jeep vehicles.

E – E alphabet is used in the number plate of microbus and is used for the 5th letter 'च' of the Bengali alphabet.

Ch – Ch hire microbuses that have 'Ch' on their number plates. This color is also used for Laguna cars.

J – The letter J is used on the number plate to indicate the category of minibus.

Jh – Jh is used for different categories of big bus or coaster bus.

The letter t stands for the number plate of a large truck.

K – If there is 'k' in the number plate, it should be understood that the number plate is the number plate of a double cabin pick-up vehicle.

Dr – Dr means medium truck number plate.

No – If the carrier vehicle is used for the small pick up category, the category is specified.

P – P is the prescribed expression for 'P' on the number plate of a taxi cab.

भ – भ is used after the name of the city on the number plate of these vehicles to indicate 2000+ cc private cars.

M-M means pick-up vehicle used for transportation and delivery of goods.

D – D is meant by using 'D' on the number plate of the private CNG vehicles that run for private or own transport.

Th – Th is used instead of D for CNG that is leased with Th.

H – Motorbikes are of 80-125 cc; Then it is marked on the number plate of that bike.

Law – Motorcycles between 135-200 cc are marked with “Law” on the number plate of that bike. 

E – The letter E is used on the number plate of the Vatovti, Nachiman type trucks.

Y- Y is used on the number plate to identify all vehicles of the Prime Minister's Office.

If you know what type of car is meant by which letter, you can get an idea about the registration, city, engine type of the car just by looking at the number plate.

I hope you have understood all the information about the number plate of the car, if you have any question, please let me know by commenting.

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