Seo friendly post writing rules for beginners | seo friendly content writing tips

Seo friendly post writing rules for beginners | seo friendly content writing tips 

Seo friendly post writing rules for beginners
Seo friendly post writing rules for beginner

How to write SEO-friendly content

Today we will learn how to write SEO friendly blog posts. SEO friendly blog posts will help you rank better in search engines. So let's find out the 12 most effective tips for writing SEO friendly posts.

A reader will come to your site only when your writing style blog post is good SEO title, sub title, clean description, link photo the reader can easily understand that the post is quality.

So guys, today we will know how to write a good SEO friendly blog post, what is SEO friendly content? SEO Friendly Post Writing Rules

SEO-friendly content meaning

Posts should be written and optimized in such a way that our website and posts rank well in search engines like Google. And if a post is only user friendly; If not optimized for SEO then the post will never rank in Google or Search Engine Optimization.

When you write a blog post using more keywords only with SEO in mind; So that your post appears on the first page of Google. But it ruins the readability of the text. When writing a post, it's best not to use keywords more often than necessary. Do not provide keywords where required keywords cannot be provided.

Therefore, the rule of SEO friendly post writing is that Google and readers do not have any problem understanding the post topic. So to write a SEO friendly blog post you need to take care of some special things mentioned below. Optimize your posts and articles well. 

1. Research your topic before writing

Before writing about any topic one should do as much research as possible to know the correct information about it. This will make your readers want to read as much as possible; Will like and share more. The link in that post will start ranking well in search engines.

2. The right keywords for SEO friendly blog posts What is Keyword Planner?

SEO friendly keywords help bring your post to the front of search engines. When we search for something, the link of the post that matches the keyword of the search comes to the result page of the search engine. So find out what your post's keywords should be.

But make sure your post related keywords are naturally related to your blog post. Remember to use keywords relevant to your posts. Choose different keywords using popular keywords. For example, your topic is “Keyword Planner”. So people must search by typing keyword tool. For example, you can select "Keyword Tool" as the keyword.

Low Competition Keywords

Choose keywords that have low competition. With that chosen keyword in it, you will be able to compete with others. And if you select a keyword that has a lot of competition. It won't rank your post. Because many posts have already been ranked

What is Keyword Planner?

Where to use keywords? Use the keyword in the post article, post title, and at the very end of the post. Keywords should be used where not required. So that when reading your post it doesn't look like the keyword is forced. Do not use the same keywords repeatedly; This may include keyword stuffing. Keyword planner can be used for keyword research. For example, Keyword Tool, SEMRUSH, Google Keyword Planner etc. Google Keyword Planner is a very good free keyword research tool. With this you can choose a good keyword for your post.

What are Google search keywords?

Google Search also offers suggestions for good keywords. You just need to enter half a sentence related to the keyword in Google search and Google will suggest good keywords for you.

What are long tail keywords?

Keywords with 3 to 4 words are called long tail keywords. Like, SEO Friendly Blog, SEO Content Writing, SEO Friendly Articles, SEO Friendly Content Writing etc. Search engines love long tail keywords; Because the concept of the post is known by 3 to 4 words. The post is clearly about what the topic is.

How many keywords should a post contain?

Keywords in a post should be between 1% and 2.5%. That is, if there is a post of 1000 words, you can use the keyword at least 10 times and at most 25 times in it. Try to keep keywords between 1.5% and 2%, as this keyword density is very good. But besides using keywords the sentence should not look like it is keyword set for SEO.

Google recommends using the keyword in its natural way, where it is needed in the sentence. What percentage of keywords should be there is not stated. But posts that naturally use keywords can rank well in search engines. So use keywords in the right place. If you use it too many times, the post will be de-optimized.

3. Use paragraphs correctly Paragraph writing rules?

Paragraph writing rules? The rule of paragraphing is to write each idea in a separate paragraph. So that the main idea of a topic is written in only one line. Unnecessary paragraphs should not be used. The paragraph can be long or short, but it should be able to convey the main idea. Eg: An idea is expressed in 4 or 5 sentences but keep the paragraph to 4 or 5 sentences. No need to make it big.

4. Using heading tags. How many heading tags in html 

If we write a post without using heading tags that post or article becomes 2000 to 6000 words; So think about how you understand what is such a big topic? Imagine how boring it would be to read. No one wants to read a 6000 word post without a title tag.

So title tags should also use heading tags to indicate what the post is about; Because it is very beneficial for SEO.

Heading tags will help any search engine understand the topic of your post; Which is very useful for ranking. For example, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, etc. If your post is too long, you can use Heading 1 to Heading 4 as needed.

5. How big are SEO friendly posts? How big are SEO friendly posts?

How long an SEO friendly blog post should be depends on how many words you can complete the post. For example: If writing a post of 300 words, the information you want to convey through that post. That information should be complete within 300 words. Otherwise the post will remain incomplete. In writing an SEO friendly post it should not be too short or too long because if it is short then important information will be missed. But remember, providing less than at least 300 words of information is not good for post SEO.

Experts believe that posts with more than 2000 words rank better on Google . But that doesn't mean short posts aren't good. Your posts should be high quality rather than high in quantity; It's not about more or less, it's all about quality.

6. Create poster structure | Create poster structure 

Post body, title, link, title, introduction, paragraph, conclusion etc. to write an SEO friendly blog post. All these things are called forming a blog post. For example:

What is the title of the post - Indicates which is the title of the original post.

Introduction – Briefly introduces what the post is about.

What is a Paragraph - Write each idea in the post as a separate paragraph.

What is the title - By title, the post topic is divided into different categories.

Body of the post - The body of the post tells the main point of the post.

What is Link Post - Add a link to your other post.

Conclusion - At the end of the post, write what you learned from this post in the conclusion.

7. SEO friendly titles and permalinks Use SEO friendly titles and permalinks

From the title of the post, the search engine can know what the post is about. So post titles and keywords should be related to your topic. 

Post titles should be between 55 and 60 characters maximum. so that it appears in full on the search results page; If larger than this, the post title will not be fully displayed on the search results page. Put the target keyword in the title.

The SEO title should be catchy, which will make the user click. Similarly url or permalink should be attr

active without making it too big.

8. What is Meta Description? meta description example 

Post titles and meta tags are both very valuable for ranking. Because when searching these two things are shown on the search page; Above is the title of the post and below is a short meta description. Descriptions also contribute a lot to search engine rankings; If we write SEO friendly blog posts, then we cannot omit the meta description.

A meta description is a brief statement about the post ; Which we can write in maximum 156 characters. The meta description must be written using 156 characters, if you make this description too long it will not be fully displayed on the search results page. And be careful, the Meta Description should also use keywords related to the post.

9. Using images add picture your content 

Using images, infographics, graphs, videos etc. in a post is very important. Because it improves content quality and also benefits SEO; Using images in posts makes the post very SEO friendly. If you write a long post and don't use an image; Then, readers may get bored and stop visiting your site.

Whenever you write a post by uploading an image, the name of the image should also be the same as your post. Example: Suppose, I am writing about SEO friendly blog post. So the name of the image should be " SEO Friendly BlogPost.jpg ". If you want to upload multiple images to your post, try; But try to make sure that the image keyword is related to your post.

What is alt tag in seo?

Add ALT tags to photos. You can add ALT while uploading the photo or later by going to the photo edit option. But in the ALT tag must enter keywords related to the post. The reason for writing ALT is so that search engine bots read the ALT, understand what the pic is related to.

And remember, if you want to upload a video to the post, the video must match the topic of your post.

10. Add a link to another post in a post 

In the post you write, you add a link to the previous post; It also helps in search engine optimization. Plus it makes it easier for search engine crawlers to crawl your entire content.

However, the links added must be related to your post. For example, suppose I'm writing about SEO friendly blog posts so I'll just add links to SEO related posts. For example, what is SEO?, what is on-page SEO? How to do SEO in Blogger etc. Because, your readers will definitely click on SEO related posts, because they want to know about SEO.  

11. Post content regularly Post content regularly

If you regularly post and update content on your blog; Then the search engine will increase that blog. This is very important for website ranking. Also, keep content posted and updated on the site regularly. Because, posting regularly will increase the content of the blog; You will get more views and your income will be higher.

12. Check Before Posting: Proofreading | reading proof meaning 

What is proof reading? Before posting any article one should check once, twice whether the post is SEO friendly blog post. The advantage of reading the post again and again is that there is no mistake in words, sentences or anything is missed in the post.

And if you post an article with wrong words and sentences, readers will understand; And will stop coming to your blog in a few days; That's why proofreading is important.

So guys, this was our advice on SEO friendly blog post writing rules. Hopefully by following the tips mentioned above in this post, you will be able to write a very good SEO friendly blog post.

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